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  • Return to traditional Bicycle Sundays on the first and third Sundays of May through September between from 10am and 6pm, and consider closing the boulevard to cars for occasional special events. 

  • The city repair and/or upgrade the existing paved path along the boulevard which was built specifically for bike use approximately 40 years ago, and also improve the lower walking trails by the lakeshore. Neither have been adequately maintained for decades.

  • The city make the necessary improvements to ensure the existing paved path and sidewalks are ADA accessible.

  • Consider adding new pedestrian/ADA accessible sidewalks and/or designated bicycle lanes on the unused park property that runs along the residential west-side of the boulevard.   


  • Consider safety enhancements such as adding raised intersections and marked crosswalks in strategic places, improving sight lines, and refreshing the painted road markings in no-passing zones. Other safety measures could include installing safety barriers on the blind curves, radar speed signs that alert drivers to their speed, and pedestrian activated crossings. These have been shown to be affordable and effective traffic calming devices that slow speeders down.

  • There is an urgent need (literally!) for public restrooms close to the parking lots near the beaches along the lake. These should also be ADA accessible. Thousands of people are now visiting these beaches every year, and there are no sanitary provisions.  Need we say more!


"Lake Washington Boulevard is an emergency exit for many of us in case of disaster, and it must remain open to cars going in both directions!" – Wesley Gipson


"Lake Washington Boulevard needs to remain open, both ways, to vehicles. Maybe SDOT could fix the sidewalks along LWB for better access for pedestrians." – Korina


"There's no valid reason to have to choose between a safe bicycling and pedestrian path, or a safe, accessible road for vehicles. It's not either/'s both." – Dianne

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